2014년 5월 6일 화요일

A nano-structure developed, four times in fluorescence efficiency

A gold nano-structure, four times in fluorescence efficiency

Professor Kim, Dongha, Univ. of Ehwa

A Korean researcher announced that he had developed gold nano-particles for use of light-emitting materials, solar cell, biosensor and light emitting efficiency of the phosphor used is about 4 times increased. 

When the light and gold nano-particles meet the surface plasmon resonance is produced, and researchers used that phenomenon in the studies. According to Kim, Dongha(photos), professor of Nano Science at Ewha Womens University, department of chemistry and a team, published the result on the journal, "Scientific Report" in the last month, dated 22nd.

Professor Kim said, "This research is expected to be helpful in the areas of display, biosensor, solar cell, so on."

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